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My name is Fulgence NIYONKURU. I am in Sunday school at a FECABU church in Rutana Province. In our Sunday school, we studied a book entitled The Best Friends. Before that, I was a bad sinner. I used to steal other people's goods, to insult others, to lie, to fight with other children, to be disobedient.

When I studied the book, I’ve come to understand what is sin. I understood that a sin is every bad thing we do. The Bible tells us that the origin of sin is Adam and Eve. They sinned against God by obeying the voice of the devil. I also understood that Stan was created as an angel of God called Lucifer. Nevertheless, Lucifer became a great enemy of God because of the pride of his heart. Then his name changed from Lucifer to Satan. Satan wanted Adam and Eve to be disobedient toward God. Satan tries to use his lies to make people commit sins.  I have come to understand that all sins come from Satan and that sinners are his.

I then decided to kneel and ask God to forgive me. I took to Him the ancient Fulgence who was led by the sinful nature to be changed from the inside out.  The blood of Jesus washed me clean. Now, I am a child of God and I have eternal life.       

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