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At United Christians for Change and Development, we believe that Jesus have sent us to make disciples. Therefore, we know and believe that we don’t exist only to tell people about Jesus or to make converts, but to help them grow spiritually too. For that reason, we help churches to teach and empower their members with God’s word because we want to help them to be the church when they gather, but also when they scatter. To achieve our purpose, we use courses conceived by Walk through the Bible. Walk thru the Bible resources are of high-quality, and they ignite the passion for God’s word.  When people fall in love with the word of God everything changes. Lives are changed. People grow spiritually. They become the light and the salt of the world. The gospel is proclaimed through the lives of Christians and whole communities are transformed positively.  And that’s the reason why UCCD exists. 

Contact us

Immeuble de la SOCABU, 2e Niveau, Apartement N⁰ 4 Bureau 3, Quartier Gabiro, Ngozi, Burundi.

(+257) 79 416 645

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